Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 7

The only picture I took today. The silly dog carrying around a two pound weight. I forgot how much fun chewing puppies are - NOT!!!!

September 5

This is part of my flower bed. I was so proud of the way it looked. Everything was alive, the flowers were huge and bright - lots of flowers..............................
............. And then we got Pepper. Now The first few feet next to the deck look like this. Very Sad

September 3

The first day of school. The twinkies started 5th grade and Dyl started 2nd. We have been walking to school. I had to go in early so we dropped the twins at the Middle School and Dyl and I went to work. I have started letting the twins walk by themselves - they actually meet two friends on the corner by my neighbors house - she is a cop, so I am ok with this. So far all is going well. Lets keep our fingers crosssed.

September 1

My girls and their other cousins. Ry is doing his Michael Phelps impersonation. I have the only girls in the family. Both my husbands sister and my brother have boys. And my brothers oldest has two boys too!!

August 31

Another favorite spot - Daddy's recliner. I don't mind her in the chair since it it filthy and disgusting any way. She was sleeping and dreaming.

August 30

One of Peppers favorite spots. She loves to sit on the base of the basket ball hoop. She really is a cutie, but she is still making me crazy.

August 28

The stinker bell all fresh and clean from her shower/bath. yes, she took the shower and then let the water run into the tub so she could swim. You would think this is the best trick in the book. She loves having her hair all up like mommy!!