Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23

What happens when your banannas are too close to the burner on the stove?? This. I went to get a bananna this morning after I had put a pot on to boil and this is what I found. Ick - I don't kinow about anyone else, but I like mine just right - no black or brown spots. These are awful - I wonder if I can get the kids to eat them. LOL!! Yuck. Probably not.

January 22

So yesterday I Get home from the gym and try to get in the shower. I am greeted by a pile of rubber ducks. I of course stood them up so you can all see them. Dyl loves her rubber ducks. Even when she is showering she has to have them in the tub. She even has some outside for the hot tub. She collects them from everywhere she goes - I actually try to bring her one too. She tells people she has 60 rubber ducks, thank heavens she doesn't yet - I won't be able to get into my tub. LOL !!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

January 21

Yesterday I helped the kids put together the wedding invitations - actually I helped my DIL - my son kept getting distracted. They really are pretty. I can't believe in 6 months I will be heading to San Antonio for the wedding. My baby boy is getting married. They are such a cute couple too - both really great kids.

January 20

I found this Sunday when I was getting the Karate pics off the camera. Brookie loves to take pictures of herself. One thing she doesn't have that I did growing up is slef confidence issues. She knows he is beautiful and she knows she is smart. She will get dressed in the mornings and come out with a big smile and say "I'm so cute" Every day I ask them all "Do you know you're beautiful?' "Do you know I love you?" They answer yes and I tell them my job is done. Let's hope as she gets older she doesn't lose that - but lets also hope that she doesn't turn into one of those snotty kids either..

January 19

I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not have 365 days. Not that much goes on here and/or I can't remember to bring my camera - but I will do what I can and enjoy checking out everyne else's also

Saturday was Karate testing. All the girls moved up to their next belt. But I felt that this was probably one of the funniest pictures from then. Dyl does sparring and it is funny. She is such a little peanut - there is all sparring gear and not a lot of Dyl.

January 16

The Mysterious Leotards

In August when I signed the two girls up for dance, I ordered them new dance studio leotards. They each got two, plus they had the two they each got from last year - 8 in total. Each week I have a fight with Dyl - find them she can't, she checked her whole room. (I try to avoid her room because it is a disaster and makes me nuts) So dh got sick of hearing me yell and went through her toy box this morning. There were her two brand new leotards in the plastic bags they came in. How happy am I?? Not very since she was told I don't know how many times to check the freakin toy box. Dh said he was going to go through her stuff, but was afraid I would be upset if he threw too much stuff out - Just do it - I can't take it any more. I seriously will have a stroke one of these days walking into their rooms. They are a disaster. and I get even more aggravated if I clean them and then they are a mess the next day. Besides he if off since December until March - let him get the aggravation.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15

So this is one of my pointless little purchases. I saw this and had to have it. Don't we al need a little bean bag to rest our phone in??? I believe it is called an iPlop. Not only did I have to have it, but I plan on taking it with me on vacation. I feel my iPlop needs to travel. LOL!!

January 14

Dh's new past time. It is winter again. This means dh isn't working so he is keeping up with the wash. Everyday he tells the girls to sort their wash and then actually believes that they did it. Does he check their rooms or their hampers or anything to make sure they picked up the wash on the floor on the bed in the bottom of the closet or on top of their dresser? Nope - just live in the fantasy world that the girlies did what they are supposed to and leave it at that. At least this year he hasn't started shopping for throw pillows and area rugs. Yes he did that one year and drove me nuts all winter.

January 13

So, I fell behind. Sunday was spent shopping for the week and then watching football. Not the Bears, but watching the Giants. I really wish it was the Bears. I can't stand listening to dh gloat. Last year the Bears were there and not the Giants, and I didn't hear dh's big mouth so much then. But the Giants played well and they are moving on. This is actually the back of my new coat. I love my Bears coat!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 12

Oops a day late!! But this is what I am working toward. I saw this dress and am thinking about it for the wedding. Of course first I have to find out what the Brides mom is wearing, and double check to be sure the bridesmaids aren't wearing blue. I lost 1.5 lbs my first week back at Weight watchers, so if I keep up at that rate, I may be able to pull this off. Please let me know if anyone thinks it is not a good dress - I have no clue - I just love it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

How was your day??

OMG!!! I need to unwind and this is how I choose to do it!! This day was horrible! We had the best sub - the kids normally love her - they were so bad. Talking back, not listening, fresh and mean. The sub who loves them - always comes by to see them if she is in the building - actually had to leave the room. She was so done. 5 yes my friens 5 out of 20 kids earned their extra play time - 5. How is that possible??? Then it is dance night - Brookie has HIp Hop - we get there and she decides that she doesn't want to do Hip HOp - she wants to "go home" - "does she have to do hip hop next year" Ummm, you begged me to do this this year, You are paid till June, get your sorry ass on the dance floor. I pick her up and then ask her why she doesn't like Hip HOp - "I love Hip Hop!!!" So I promptly asked her not to speak to me. So yes, I am having a Margarita - actually, they are in bed and I am on number two - Hubby is out to dinner with a friend - I am sure he will be home somewhere between 11 and 6 am - yeah, He did that just before new years. I will be asleep and I don't care.

As a little side note - for those of you that like Margaritas - these are easy and awesome. I love them - which reminds me - I have to fly to Texas to meet my sons inlaws and to get more Margarita mix.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10

My lunch !! This is what I was going to be eating during the day. I managed to lose 1 1/2 lbs last week and I wasn't that good. Imagine what I can do if I put my mind to it. I actually ate everything except the orange. I would really like to drop 15 lbs by July for the wedding. That is my plan - let's see how it goes!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

January 9

Wow!! Finally one of my 9 year olds can ride a two wheeler. These kids will not get on bikes. They can be such babies. Finally today she decided she was going to do it. And that was all there was to that. Of course I had to take a picture - which upset Dyl because I didn't take a picture of her riding a two wheeler - could that be because you are a wuss and won't ride a two wheeler either??????

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

January 8

The birthday of the king of Rock & Roll. I remember years ago the whole week AMC and a few other chanels would show his movies all day for a week. Now you only get one or two. Actually this one is on TMC and I have never seen it. Did/does anyone really buy Elvis as an Indian??? I love this man's voice, but his movies are not wonderful!! But I still like to look at him!

Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7

Another day. My little baby is sick today. She was sick last night and didn't feel well. I let her stay home with her daddy. He had to drive up west and of course she threw up - in the new truck - than heavens he thought to bring a bucket. I hate when my babies are sick!!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

January 6th

The new love of my life. Dh go ta new truck in the middle of December and I love it. The girls and I call it the Cutsie Mutsie truck. Its the Ford Explorer Sprot Trac. I used to hate when he took my van anywhere, but I can't seem to stay out of the truck. I take it in the mornings to the gym. It has heated seats. The other morning, he went out and started the truck and came in. I asked him what he was doing. "waiting for the truck to warm up." Oh, its warm. He laughed at me and went off to the gym.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

January 5th

I had to laugh when I saw the picture of the "messy closet" on a friends 365. My daughters closet should be that organized. That prompted my picture for today. This is the twins closet - and this is a good day!!! LOL!!

I can't even open the other side of their closet door. And their doors keep falling off the track since there is so much crap pushing against it.

January 4th 2007

I like this 365 thingy so here we go. This is my picture from yesterday. My computer desk. Organized chaos - that just resembles my life