Friday, October 10, 2008

October 10

Since I couldn't take them apple/pumpkin picking, I figured we would go to the beach for a little bit. Dylynn of course got wet up to her thighs. I also thought maybe we could tire the dog out. The beach didn't work, but she had a playdate with my neighbors dog after that. Now she is asleep.

October 9

Caught red handed! Not that she is chewing up stuff or anything, but that is the stuffing from a comforter hanging out of her mouth.

October 8

The gnomes on my counter must have a pet. I am sure these are wine stains, but why are they in the shape of a paw print???

October 7

Our own personal greeter. This is the face you see when you come to my house. She has to look out the window when she hears something outside. She has figured out how to get on the ottoman and peek - and make sure the blinds are out of her way. She sits there when we leave for school too. She doesn't bark though, she is just nosy!!

October 4

Did I ask for help loading the dish washer??? No, but that doesn't mean I won't get it. Of course not from the two legged kids - heaven forbid they take a dish off the table, let alone rinse it and put it in the dishwasher!! Pepper will help me though, weather I need it or not!!

October 3

OMG!!! She has mule ears. When she stands her ears up they are so big. It is really funny. Hubby says they look like Dingo ears. I wish I had gotten to see the mom. I am really not so sure what she could be mixed with. What the heck kind of "Hound" had mule ears???

I guess she will grow into her ears when she grows into her feet!!

September 30

We got the dog a Halloween costume. I had to wait until she was asleep on her bear to get it on her. The first day she was having no part of it. I don't know that we will actually get the whole thing on her, but it should be funny.

September 27

I have a new helper. I was trying to make the bed, and the dog had to give a hand. Chewing on the pillows as I am putting the pillow cases on. She likes to go under the bed too and run out at you when you walk by. Looking at her paws, she won't be able to do that too much longer. I think she is going to be a good size dog.

September 23

Ashie got sent home from school today. 101 degree fever. That wasn't bad enough. We have been walking to school, so I didn't have a car. I call hubby and ask what he is doing - he has been working at my dad's house around the corner, but not today - today he is in Montauk - an hour away. Great!! Call the in laws - not home. I had to call my neighbor - who it turns out, was taking care of her girlfriend who had a 101 fever. She picked her up and ran her home for me. I get home and Ash looked so miserable. What does every great mom do at a time like this??? Take a picture. LOL!!!

September 21

What to do with this hair. Ash used to have bangs. She decided to grow them out and get long layers. Well, that's all well and good, but her hair now hangs in her face all of the time. She isn't so good at taking care of her hair, so I am lucky if it gets brushed. I have to tell her to put a headband on. Hair hanging in my face makes me crazy, I couldn't live like this!! I need to figure out what to do with it. I really don't want her to get bangs again!

September 20

Karate testing today. Ony Dylynn tested. Ashlyn helped out - she is going to start training to be a Junior Instructor. Since she was helping out, the instructor let her present Dyl with her next belt. Of course there was carrying on - Ashie had to make sure it was really tight and of course there was some pushing between the two. Heaven forbid they act like nice loving sisters!!

September 15

Getting comfy!! She loves to sleep in "the chair" I personally can't stand this chair, but the dog loves it. She can't get up in it herself yet, but somehow she is always up there. Yes, we are all guilty of tossing her up there. I know sometimes I have to use the bathroom and I figure if she is up there, she won't pee or poop - I am safe for a few minutes!!

September 14

What to do with the old booster seats???

Why, leave them in the living room so the puppy can use them as base, of course. If you throw her something she will come back with it, but she has to go sit on the booster seat - then she will drop it, but she has to be there first.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 7

The only picture I took today. The silly dog carrying around a two pound weight. I forgot how much fun chewing puppies are - NOT!!!!

September 5

This is part of my flower bed. I was so proud of the way it looked. Everything was alive, the flowers were huge and bright - lots of flowers..............................
............. And then we got Pepper. Now The first few feet next to the deck look like this. Very Sad

September 3

The first day of school. The twinkies started 5th grade and Dyl started 2nd. We have been walking to school. I had to go in early so we dropped the twins at the Middle School and Dyl and I went to work. I have started letting the twins walk by themselves - they actually meet two friends on the corner by my neighbors house - she is a cop, so I am ok with this. So far all is going well. Lets keep our fingers crosssed.

September 1

My girls and their other cousins. Ry is doing his Michael Phelps impersonation. I have the only girls in the family. Both my husbands sister and my brother have boys. And my brothers oldest has two boys too!!

August 31

Another favorite spot - Daddy's recliner. I don't mind her in the chair since it it filthy and disgusting any way. She was sleeping and dreaming.

August 30

One of Peppers favorite spots. She loves to sit on the base of the basket ball hoop. She really is a cutie, but she is still making me crazy.

August 28

The stinker bell all fresh and clean from her shower/bath. yes, she took the shower and then let the water run into the tub so she could swim. You would think this is the best trick in the book. She loves having her hair all up like mommy!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28

Does it have to be just one picture?? We got our puppy today!

Look at her. The girls decided to name her Pepper. There were a few I liked better, but she isn't my dog.
It took her about 5 minutes to warm up.
She started chasing the girls around it was funny. She was running around with them for about an hour
They threw her a tennis ball, and I thought she would be too small for it - she wasn't

she is exhausted now. Now they just have to tire her out again before we go to bed.

August 27

Who is that masked person??? Everyone seems to love the Monkey mask - even Aunt/Grandma Ellen. The kids had a ball with it today. Hubby even woke the twins up with it. He loves to scare the crap out of them. LOL!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26

Isn't this pretty!!! My little candle holder that I love to put stuff in!!! I went and bought shells today. And after spending over $20 on said shells, I had a realization What kind of MORON as close to the beach as I do and goes and buys freakin shells. WTF was I thinking?? And I won't mention that I think in my candle cabinet I already have shells. Who is the biggest ass you know - YUP!!! That would be me!!!

August 25

Where is the big ass gold chain and the horn?????

My nephew showed me the sneakers he picked out for school.
Of course I had to say - OMG are you Italian. Not to mention that they are huge. So as I was laughing about the fact that my Italian Nephew is walking around with the flag on his shoes - he points out the details....

Why yes my friends, tha is a mushroom, a slice of pepper and some pepperoni slices. I was rolling. He really likes these. Thank heavens because he is the one who will be wearing them. I had to have a picture of these.

August 20

This is really sad. Not tragic sad, but sad. My youngest Great Nephew, Devin, was born in December. This was the first time I got to see him. My SIL babysits for them every Wednesday, they only live a freakin half an hour away, 40 minutes if I decided to drive the speed limit, and this was the first time I have seen him - Mind you, it was only the 2nd time I have seen my SIL, two nephews also. See, sad. Well, we decided not to let that happen again. There is no reason she and I and the kids can't get together without the husbands and the rest of the family. So there, that said, let's hope we can pull this off!!!!

August 14

A little more catch up...

On August 14th was my brothers annual pub crawl. This is the day that everyone - well, ok, not everyone, but a lot of our friends take off and head to the city. My brother and his coworkers go in ahead of time for "research" This was the 7th year (for info in case you want to join us next year here is his web site and it was an international theme since it was an Olympic year. We had an Australian, Italian, Irish, American, Chinese and Mexican place. This was one of the better years - except it rained and it really shouldn't rain on pub crawl - but that is just my opinion!! So the Australian place was 8 Mile Creek - one of their signature cocktails was "The Flying Kangaroo" There is no Kangaroo in it of course which is why when we went in for "research", I agreed to eat Kangaroo skewers - there wasn't going to be kangaroo in it right - WRONG!! It tasted nasty so I asked the bar tender - very nice man by the way - what it was - he looked at me like I was nuts and said it was Kangaroo - So here is a picture of my Frankie and I at 8 Mile creek - not eating Kangaroo this time around, but thoroughly enjoying my Flying Kangaroo.

But I can't let this day go without mentioning the Wanted Man.

We also went to a place called Gatsby's. My cousin was talking to some guy so he was standing, I just moved in and took his seat. He of course was busting my chops, so I gave it back to him - this was our 3rd or 4th bar and since the drinking commences at my house before we even head to the train - you can imagine the shape I was in - I wanted to take a picture of the first man I have have ever annoyed the crap out of in 7 years - or at least the first one to admit it. LOL!! He wouldn't let us take his picture - I decided he was a wanted man - but I can't figure out by who with that shitty attitude. LOL

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I suck!

Really!! I haven't posted since April. My lord - and it isn't like there was nothing going on all this time. In my defense my darling daughter broke my camera and I had to get a new one. But if I am being honest, that didn't take 4 months.

Let's see Just to play catch up, maybe I should post one picture from each of the last few months.

May - This is what my son and daughter in law do for fun. Work out like dogs, starve themselves and paint brown crap on themselves to stand up in front of thousands of people in their underwear. Here is my son with his GodFather, my brother the only person in the world who could love that little boy as much as I do.

JUNE - the beginning of June is all about the dance recital - this year the theme was An Enchanted Forest - as usual an excellent show. Brookie was a Big Bad Wolf and Dylynn was a Little Red Riding Hood. I loved that they were in a dance together - but they werent near each other on stage. Dylynn was also a Princess and she had a special part the big ham

JULY was all about the wedding. That picture of Brook and Anthony is probably one of my favorite. She adorers him - I wonder where she gets that from. And then of course the whole family cleaned up all nice and pretty. It was 98 degrees out there. They had to take the picture from that side of me because on the other side was a sweat mark.

OK, now I have to find something for August. That will have to be another post

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 22

My craft!

Ashie stayed at my inlaws Sunday till Monday and made me a craft. They love going to Nanny & Pops one at a time because they get so much attention. They go shopping, go to dinner, and make crafts. They get the computer all to themselves and they get to sleep where ever they want. I think this is one of the better things they have made me

April 18

The sun is rising!!!

This is the view from my back porch in the morning when I get home from the gym. This time of year the sun is just coming up and I love the way it looks. Other times of the year it is black out.

April 16

Pajama Day!!

I love Spirit week!! They always have a pajama day. We love going to school in our jammies. Of course it makes dh nuts. It "looks Lazy" Excuse me, but I got up, went to the gym, showered, got the kids breakfast, threw in a load of wash and then went to school. Is that lazy??? I can't wait till the weather turns nice and I can have a friday happy hour and have all my friends over in their jammies to make him nuts!!

April 14

The moon?

This is the view in my rear view mirror at the gym each day. The first few times I thought it looked like the moon. It is actually a light in the parking lot. I always manage to park in just about the same spot, because I always see it.

April 13

Great sky!

I was on the way to the gym this morning and I thought the sky looked great. Now that I look at it - it is sort of funny. Does this look like a house in the Hamptons? It is a little farm on the way to the gym - believe it or not on this road there a quite a few farm houses!!

April 7

Reading Olympics

Each year our school does this. Usually they do it for a month, but for some reason they did it for only two weeks. So we had to read constantly. We had two weeks and they wanted the kids to read 15 minutes a day. We managed to get over 400 minutes - but there were people who had over 1000 minutes , 700+ minutes- I guess they have no life. I thought I was pushing the girls - they read in the mornings before school and inbetween homework and karate

April 6

Who knew??

OK, I got this in the mail and I just about cracked up. Southwest Gourd Fine Art Show. "a juried exhibit featuring many of the best gourd artists in America" I didin't know such a thing existed. What made this even funnier was that we had just seen Mr. Woodcock - where they were having a "Cornivale" And my daughter in law said they have that back home (she's from Texas) I get this in the mail and it is in Kerrville, TX - I asked her if this happens at the Cornivale!!

March 30

So, dh took the girls to breakfast and to religion, and I started to clean the house. My daughter in law - after being laid up for a week got a bug and wanted to clean the kitchen. So, even though she wasn't supposed to be doing that much, her and my son cleaned the kitchen while I tackled the living room. Both were well over due for a good cleaning! I love when my house is all clean. I really like it much better when I come home from work and someone else has done it for me!!

March 29

This was the day of the parade. Dylynn did a demo of self defense. She pretended to kick some butt. It was really cute - one minute the big kids are standing the next they are on the ground. LOL!! She pretty much thought she was hot stuff!!