Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 28

Does it have to be just one picture?? We got our puppy today!

Look at her. The girls decided to name her Pepper. There were a few I liked better, but she isn't my dog.
It took her about 5 minutes to warm up.
She started chasing the girls around it was funny. She was running around with them for about an hour
They threw her a tennis ball, and I thought she would be too small for it - she wasn't

she is exhausted now. Now they just have to tire her out again before we go to bed.

August 27

Who is that masked person??? Everyone seems to love the Monkey mask - even Aunt/Grandma Ellen. The kids had a ball with it today. Hubby even woke the twins up with it. He loves to scare the crap out of them. LOL!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 26

Isn't this pretty!!! My little candle holder that I love to put stuff in!!! I went and bought shells today. And after spending over $20 on said shells, I had a realization What kind of MORON as close to the beach as I do and goes and buys freakin shells. WTF was I thinking?? And I won't mention that I think in my candle cabinet I already have shells. Who is the biggest ass you know - YUP!!! That would be me!!!

August 25

Where is the big ass gold chain and the horn?????

My nephew showed me the sneakers he picked out for school.
Of course I had to say - OMG are you Italian. Not to mention that they are huge. So as I was laughing about the fact that my Italian Nephew is walking around with the flag on his shoes - he points out the details....

Why yes my friends, tha is a mushroom, a slice of pepper and some pepperoni slices. I was rolling. He really likes these. Thank heavens because he is the one who will be wearing them. I had to have a picture of these.

August 20

This is really sad. Not tragic sad, but sad. My youngest Great Nephew, Devin, was born in December. This was the first time I got to see him. My SIL babysits for them every Wednesday, they only live a freakin half an hour away, 40 minutes if I decided to drive the speed limit, and this was the first time I have seen him - Mind you, it was only the 2nd time I have seen my SIL, two nephews also. See, sad. Well, we decided not to let that happen again. There is no reason she and I and the kids can't get together without the husbands and the rest of the family. So there, that said, let's hope we can pull this off!!!!

August 14

A little more catch up...

On August 14th was my brothers annual pub crawl. This is the day that everyone - well, ok, not everyone, but a lot of our friends take off and head to the city. My brother and his coworkers go in ahead of time for "research" This was the 7th year (for info in case you want to join us next year here is his web site and it was an international theme since it was an Olympic year. We had an Australian, Italian, Irish, American, Chinese and Mexican place. This was one of the better years - except it rained and it really shouldn't rain on pub crawl - but that is just my opinion!! So the Australian place was 8 Mile Creek - one of their signature cocktails was "The Flying Kangaroo" There is no Kangaroo in it of course which is why when we went in for "research", I agreed to eat Kangaroo skewers - there wasn't going to be kangaroo in it right - WRONG!! It tasted nasty so I asked the bar tender - very nice man by the way - what it was - he looked at me like I was nuts and said it was Kangaroo - So here is a picture of my Frankie and I at 8 Mile creek - not eating Kangaroo this time around, but thoroughly enjoying my Flying Kangaroo.

But I can't let this day go without mentioning the Wanted Man.

We also went to a place called Gatsby's. My cousin was talking to some guy so he was standing, I just moved in and took his seat. He of course was busting my chops, so I gave it back to him - this was our 3rd or 4th bar and since the drinking commences at my house before we even head to the train - you can imagine the shape I was in - I wanted to take a picture of the first man I have have ever annoyed the crap out of in 7 years - or at least the first one to admit it. LOL!! He wouldn't let us take his picture - I decided he was a wanted man - but I can't figure out by who with that shitty attitude. LOL

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I suck!

Really!! I haven't posted since April. My lord - and it isn't like there was nothing going on all this time. In my defense my darling daughter broke my camera and I had to get a new one. But if I am being honest, that didn't take 4 months.

Let's see Just to play catch up, maybe I should post one picture from each of the last few months.

May - This is what my son and daughter in law do for fun. Work out like dogs, starve themselves and paint brown crap on themselves to stand up in front of thousands of people in their underwear. Here is my son with his GodFather, my brother the only person in the world who could love that little boy as much as I do.

JUNE - the beginning of June is all about the dance recital - this year the theme was An Enchanted Forest - as usual an excellent show. Brookie was a Big Bad Wolf and Dylynn was a Little Red Riding Hood. I loved that they were in a dance together - but they werent near each other on stage. Dylynn was also a Princess and she had a special part the big ham

JULY was all about the wedding. That picture of Brook and Anthony is probably one of my favorite. She adorers him - I wonder where she gets that from. And then of course the whole family cleaned up all nice and pretty. It was 98 degrees out there. They had to take the picture from that side of me because on the other side was a sweat mark.

OK, now I have to find something for August. That will have to be another post