Wednesday, February 6, 2008

February 6

So, we are leaving on vacation Friday morning - 31 hours from now, but who is counting. Usually when it is time to go away, I have packed several days ahead and am just waiting to throw my hair brush and toothbrush in a bag. Yet here is is almost time to leave and I havent even started putting stuff in bags. I don't even have the bags. Here sit some of what I am taking on top of my dresser - and that is only because I quickly threw them up there when I came home from work. I guess that is a step in the right direction right??? I really gotta get my ass moving. I did however find a gym that opens at 5 - not my normal 4 am, but since I am on vacation, I can live with that


Susan's 365 said...

Where are you guys off to? Have fun.

Mary said...

lol you aren't alone packing last minute like that...